My Journey
2008 – 2014
Varna, Bulgaria
I was born at the most beatiful coastal city at the Black Sea, Varna. When I was 2 years old I recited entire books as “Dancho and Lisan” and was the leading princess in kindergarten shows.
2014 – 2016
Jeddan, Saudi Arabia
That was my silent period but maybe because I did not know English and quickly had to adjust to a totally different culture. Luckily I was surrounded by joyful friends who tought me how to sing in English and Arabic.
2016 – 2018
Varna Bulgaria
That is where I learned that acting was my destiny through the Varna State Theatre.
2018 – >
Marbella, Spain
I really became professional in the acting with the support of Marbella Film School. All I know on how and what it is to act in front of a camera is thanks to my inspiring teachers.